Thursday, March 4, 2010

Is it Friday yet?

Since my classes are late on thursdays (1:30-3:30), I ate lunch beforehand! I had half of a Moroccan Carrot Sandwich, a deliciously sweet and juicy Pink Lady apple, and some Wheat Thins Multigrain chips. Dee-licious!
Moroccan Carrot Sandwich, PInk Lady apple, and toasted multigrain chips
=500 calories

After class Mikey and I had to go pick up his car from the dealership because one of the hoses in the engine blew up yesterday spraying coolant al over the inside :(. But it's all fixed now!

For dinner I was in a cereal kind of mood. I had a nice bowl of Bran Buds with a banana!
Bran Buds with skim milk and a nanner
=356 calories

I finished my paper (oh yeah!), and in a bit, Mikey and I are going to the midnight showing of Alice in Wonderland in IMAX 3D tonight! I can't wait! It feels like Friday today, too bad I still have class in the morning :(.

Clearly this isn't enough calories so I know I'll probably be having something when I get back from the movie. I'll update tomorrow about what I had.

=856 calories thus far today

EDIT: I decided it would just be best to update this post with my eats. By the way, the movie was EXCELLENT and I highly recommend it (especially in IMAX 3D)!
I decided on a pre-cooked Shepherd's Pie (really Cottage Pie) because the last time I had one I was blown away with how incredibly good it was. And not just "Oh, for a pre-cooked meal that's good." It's delicious for any meal (though it looks like a sloppy mess, I know)! I also had a Pink Lady apple since the apple I had for lunch was so yummy!
Cottage Pie (it may look gross but it's freakin' delicious)
  • Shepherd's Pie (430cal)
  • 171g Pink Lady apple (88cal)
=518 calories
=1374 calories for the day!

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