Thursday, March 11, 2010

Peanut Butter, Banana, and Bacon on a burger= Mmmmm!

I studied all morning for my test and before heading out the door to take it, I made a quick snack of 1/2 a sandwich to tide me over:
=161 calories

I'm so happy to be done with that! It was actually not so bad and I was the first person finished, hah!
I came home and took a nap since I was up 'til 4am last night studying (and then back up again at 9!). When I got up, I was fairly hungry. MIkey and I decided to go out to celebrate me finishing my final, and him finishing his public speaking class (his last speech was today!)
We went to The Ram. They are having this weird thing right now called "BurgerRama." It is all the most ridiculous burgers that I have ever seen! When we were there yesterday for lunch, I eyed the "Elvis Burger," but knew I would need a real good reason to eat something so bad for me, hah. Finishing my essay test was a great excuse! The "Elvis Burger" is a burger topped with peanut butter, bacon, and banana! How crazy is that?! I wasn't sure it would be good but our server assured me it was excellent so it was settled. It was seriously so amazing! Hah. I have no idea how many calories were in this meal but I would guess a bajillion easily. I was only able to eat half of the mondo-sized burger, but all of my delicious sweet potato fries. These are just my guesses for calories based on calorie counts of their other burgers:
Elvis BurgerElvis Burger
  • 1/2 "Elvis Burger" (600cal)
  • Side of sweet potato fries (300cal)
=900 calories (these are iPhone photos, so sorry about the quality)

When we got home, unfortunately it was back to school stuff :(. My last huge paper is due tomorrow so I had to finish that up (but it was generally painless). I was sad that there was no time for the gym today, and I can't wait to go tomorrow.

=1061 calories for the day

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